Version 8

Welcome to version 8 of Guest Worker Visas which will give you the ability to add comments to the employer files so that others do not have to go through what you went through with that unscrupulous employer that may have not paid you on time, what you agreed too, or if at all.

Displaced Americans and non-immigrant guest workers will find this information highly valuable.

Isn’t it time that somebody told your side of the story if you have been wronged?

To prevent spammers and liars, you will need to be a member to add comments.

We charge $3.00 per year to be a member, and we do this to keep out those who are not going to tell the truth.

Anybody can view everything else, but you won’t be able to add comments without being a member.

Click on Membership Levels to become a member.

Click on the Select button for the subscriber level.

Then fill out the payment form so that you can make a comment on any company.

Because many of the H-1B Employers have filed for the SBA PPP loans, we have added that data to our site.

There are about 12 million records and we show everything you cannot find on other sites.

But you need to be a subscriber to view them.

It is only $3.00 a year, but I think you will find it is worth it as we build better and better ways to view this data.

For those that would like to help support my work, you can do so via the following link.